Well, I certainly can't help anyone with the Windows versions.

Hugin works for me.

I don't make money from doing panos, so cannot spend money for making them.

My recollection of my first thought about the original post: "They're not looking for help, they're just a Microsoft troll."

As far as I know, the original poster has never once responded to anyone's responses to their post, which just furthers my belief that they weren't looking for help at all. They were just trolling.

I hope they're happy with their MS pano product, whatever it was.

On 05/15/2014 03:44 PM, Joergen Geerds wrote:

Thank you for supporting my point.
There are parts of the hugin project that I deeply love, and couldn't
live without: Enfuse (via using Ingmar Bergmark's slightly outdated
enfuseGUI). it is awesome, it is fabulous, and I would shower the author
with money.

But my personal experience in this group has been very consistent over
the year: getting blamed for not understanding, and being too stupid to
use it. I classify myself as a PTgui expert, being the #5
supporter/poster in the PTgui google group, advanced user of APG, global
expert for stitching 360 video (alpha tester for AVP and VS), and
classifying me as the point&shoot, click&stitch person couldn't be
further from the truth, but I get rolled into that group in the blink of
an eye, just for saying "wouldn't it be nice if hugin would work as

Would I love to tell my customers that they can reliably try using hugin
with video-stitch? yes, I would, but I can't, because as I said, I have
not managed to get a single pano out of hugin, ever. so my
recommendation is: "go and try hugin, if you are getting it to work, you
are a better user than me", if not, buy a ptgui license, and don't
worry, it works 100%.

There is so much potential within hugin, but somehow it feels like there
is a captain missing at the helm, and the MS Hugin is floating aimlessly
in the sea of panoramas. and every time somebody mentions there is a
leak in the ship, a guest on board, or a crew mates comes up and tells
us "you're doing it wrong, stupid". The MS hugin has also an open door
policy: if you don't like it, don't use it.

As Jeff said, I will look how the MS hugin is doing in 6 months. I hope
she finds her way.

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 8:12:34 AM UTC-4, Jeff W wrote:

    David -

    On Thursday, May 15, 2014 3:39:52 AM UTC-4, GnomeNomad wrote:

        You have lots of knowledge in a narrow specialty.

    And yet my grandmother, to the day she died, swore I was going to
    electrocute myself when changing a lightbulb if the switch was still on.

    But in all seriousness, how many other ways are you going to find to
    call people stupid and inadequate in this thread?

    The only reason I've entered this discussion at all is that
    following Hugues' admittedly not-terribly-helpful post, the
    universal response from the community was what we might call the
    Apple playbook: blame the user. You didn't take time to get to know
    the software. You must not understand what's going on. You're
    holding it wrong. You're not computer savvy enough. You are just
    part of the point and shoot crowd that wants a one click solution.
    You should be using Linux instead of Windoze. Etc.

    Joergen's point, and mine as well, is that you can have a very good
    knowledge of what's going on under the hood, be very proficient
    technologically and photographically, and still have a difficult
    time getting good results with Hugin. It crashes far too often. It
    produces outputs with black patches where image stacks should be
    (even in Linux). It gets stuck in an optimization loop for 3 hours.
    And the like. These are not problems with the user; they are
    problems with the program.

David W. Jones
wandering the landscape of god

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