On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Why do users have to have non-ASCII characters in their usernames?
By users, i meant sysops and the like.  Completely agreed that end-users
can be very ably served through DBAuthentication, POP aliases, JAAS
authentication, LDAP and countless other techniques etc.

> There are two seperate issues: support of the UTF-8 encoding and of the
> Unicode character set on one hand, and bidi on the other hand.
> xterm already has support for displaying UTF-8. I believe that so are some
> other teminal emulations.

Since we are discussing alternatives to implementing bidi in xterm, and
unicode characters in the wrong direction are pretty useless, the
different issues are united in a usable solution.  My enthusiastic example
of the script assumed bidi support, i.e if bidi support is implemented
in xterm, and together with emerging utf-8 support - voila - we have a
decent OS interface in a RTL language without re-inventing the wheel

> easy-to-use meny, and such). Not relevant to xterm and to this list... >

the question is, should we realistically expect bi-di support in xterm or
is it technically or otherwise unattainable in the near future? if not,
should app developers like us look at layers below or above to achieve the
desired result? Or, maybe the solution lies in those layers are not in

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