> Well, I am against the fact that my name is mutilated in my passport.
> Because of that and the fact that I live in a different country, the
> family name of my child, born here, is different than my own and my
> wife's.
> My father was astonished when he noticed his name in his passport when
> he visited me.
> Well, why you intend to do the same?

I think that you gave a good argument for sticking to pure ASCII:

In your own message tere are two different spellings of your name:
Ionel Mugurel Ciobica (pure ASCII) and the one below (almost: with some
characters replaced with ISO-8859-8 ones). That's more ambigious ;-)

It is ambiguous because you have a broken mail client :-). If you check
my e-mail's header you will see that the message was sent with
iso8859-16. This one is with iso8859-2. I have no idea why you think
that my name is with some characters from iso8859-8. Maybe you force
your mail client to show using that encoding whatever the mail is coming

In some languages, the letters with accents are just that: letters with
accents. Examples: French. î is just i with circumflex. It doesn't have
his place in the alphabet.  In Romanian this is different. î has his
place in the alphabet, in between i and j. If ş (s comma below) can be
transliterated in English with sh, î cannot. It is a letter which has
all the rights like any other. If we make ascii out of those we loose
information. We would have three letters "a", out of a, â and ă!

We don't have accents in Romanian. Here is the Romanian alphabet (in
iso8859-16): aăâbcdefghiîjklmnoprsştţuvxz. The Romanian ASCII alphabet
would be: aaabcdefghiijklmnoprssttuvxz or <a><a(><a^><b><c><d><e><f><g>

> Ionel Ciobîcă

Tzafrir Cohen                        /"\
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        \ /  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Taub 229, 972-4-829-3942,             X   Against  HTML  Mail
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir   / \


 /                                                                 \_
 |Ionel Mugurel Ciobica (iso8859-2:Ciobîcă, LaTeX:Ciob\^{\i}c\u{a})| \
 |Eindhoven University of Technology  _  Phone: 00 31 (0)40 2473781|  |
 |Department of Chemical Engineering  _  Home:  00 31 (0)40 2569321|  |
 |Laboratory  of  Catalysis    _SKA_  _  Fax:   00 31 (0)40 2455054|  |
 |Theory Group, ST-W 4.27, POBox 513  _  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  |
 |5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands  _  www.ska.chem.tue.nl/theory|  |
 \_________________________________________________________________/  |

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