On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 07:54:28 -0600, Rabbe, Luke
<luke.ra...@countryfinancial.com> wrote:

>I know that using dynamic proclibs gives you the ability to change the
proclib concatenations dynamically and also the ability to rebuild pointers
if a library has gone into extents or been compressed.
>My shop uses static concatenations.  We haven't needed to change the
proclib concatenations in several years and JCL can be used to rebuild
JES2's pointers if needed.  I'd like to convert to dynamic proclibs because
it seems more modern and cooler.  But I wonder if it's really necessary for
my installation and maybe I'd just be doing work for work's sake.
>Any opinions?  Am I missing some benefits?

IMO the best benefit is the removal of the possibility of JCL error during
JES2 start because someone moved or deleted a proclib.  Remember,
JES2 by default doesn't ENQ on the PROCLIBs and also PROCLIB data sets
not in the master catalog may have their volser coded.  So they could
be accidentally deleted or perhaps moved by someone who didn't realize
the impact (I'm sure we could start a war stories thread here, but let's not).

With dynamic proclibs JES2 will still start and tell you about the problem
if it can't find one of the libraries.   After you fix it you can issue a 
$TPROCLIB(*) and it will attempt to reallocate the concatenation(s) per
the parms.  This was helpful to us back when we did tape based disaster 
recovery because some of the application PROCLIBs were not available
for a while after the base system was IPLed.  Prior to dynamic proclibs a 
different JES2 proc was used at the start and then the application proclibs
were added after they were restored and JES2 was recycled.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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