The 360 instruction set is wholly contained in the z/Series instruction
set and many system constructs were extended in such a way as to make
them backward compatible.
Some system functions (like the ISAM access method) no longer exist, and
some things you could get away with in the early days (think OS/360)
were closed as security or reliability loopholes in MVS.
Most macros are backward compatible as well, although some may require
re-assembling to work correctly today (but offhand, I can't think of any
It is not unlikely that a 360 program will still work on a z/Series
machine, but the more vanilla the program, the better the chance that it
Some ancient programs like DEBE and Ditto still run on a z/Series
machine under z/OS, although they may have been reworked to do so. I
don't still have any of my ancient programs to try out myself.
Mike Myers
Blaicher, Chris wrote:
I have not done much testing, but I have an old (1972?) program that still
works. Original object code.
Chris Blaicher
Phone: 512-340-6154
Mobile: 512-627-3803
-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Lindy Mayfield
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:06 AM
Subject: 360 programs on a z/10
I've often heard that programs that ran on the IBM 360 will still run on a
z/10. Is this true? Some? Most? All?
Has to be at least one (IEFBR14). (-:
Kind regards
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