I do think I need to be more specific, since the answers so far aren't quite 
what I was looking for (though interesting).  Probably because I am on the 
applications side, rather than the systems side, I have different concerns than 
most here.  Anyway, here are some specific questions...

1) How does BMS compare to MFS.  Power, flexibility, ease of use.
2) Does IMS TM have an API for "miscellaneous functions" other than just 
sending and receiving data?  Like, does it have (or need) things that transient 
data queues, temp storage queues, etc.
3) Does IMS TM support VSAM, or just IMS DB and DB2?
4) All CICS transactions run inside a single address space (assuming only once 
CICS region, of course).  I believe this to not be the case for IMS TM, but to 
be honest I don't really understand how IMS TM works in this regard.  Is there 
a "control" region that dispatches "transactions" to run each in their own 
"message processing region"?

4a) Is the IMS TM (DCCTL?) control region the same region as the IMS DB (DBCTL) 
region, assuming you have a DB/DC configuration?


> From: Itschak Mugzach <imugz...@gmail.com>
>To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu 
>Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 7:02 AM
>Subject: Re: CICS vs IMS
>From IMS/DC point of view, It works almost the same. CICS has DBCTL that
>perform as a limited DBRC as well as IMS/DC has the DLI & DBRC address
>spaces. Same commands, traces etc. Is this what your question refer to ?
>On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Frank Swarbrick
>> We are a CICS shop with IMS DB (DBCTL), but I've been curious for a while
>> about the differences between how CICS works and how IMS TM works.  I
>> couldn't find anything on the web.  Anyone have a link to a good reference?
>> Thanks,
>> Frank
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