On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 20:30:52 -0400, Gabriel Tully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What was the reason code on the EC6?  There are some nasty looking ones on
>the list.  Maybe the USS is trying to protect it's integrity?

We are in the process of reworking our system shutdown and did not have
things in a good order.  On one of the LPARs,   
  F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=FILEOWNER                          
  F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=FORKINIT                           
  F BPXOINIT,SHUTDOWN=FORKS                                                
  F OMVS,SHUTDOWN                                        

On another LPAR the EC6 happened before the the OMVS,SHUTDOWN, and I 
think it had a different reason code.  In any case, the EC6 is pretty 
understandable - we were yanking Unix out by the roots.  Several address
spaces with existing Unix threads complained, but just sat there after 
complaining.  I'm guessing that once its ESTAE caught the EC6 it decided
to catch all abends including 222s.  Whether or not that's the explanation,
once the EC6 happened, CANCELs were ignored.     

I definitely agree with level 2 that our procedure needs to be reworked,
but I don't think that justifies the need for a FORCE.

Pat O'Keefe

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