On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 20:22:34 -0600, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>BTW, is there a new format of Publibz?  Suddenly, I seem to
>be required to display a shelf list before I can filter for
>a string in a publication title.  This could be undesirable
>on a slow connection. 

Yes, they do seem to have implemented a new format.  So far, I think I like
the old method better, but we'll see.   On a slow connection, perhaps you
could let the list start loading then click the "stop" button in your
browser, then do the filtering.

> I'll have to see whether I get used
>to it.  (I really wish I could have searched for "TRANSMIT"
>in all publications whose titles contain "TSO".)

TSO/E has its own bookshelf, so if you start by listing the shelves, you can
then locate an open the TSO/E shelf, and then search for TRANSMIT.


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