The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Bob Shannon) writes:
> IBM used to give huge discounts to universities. About 15-20 or so
> years ago they did away with the discounts and universities started
> migrating off the mainframe. The few that are left mostly use
> mainframes for some type of administrative processing. The processing
> done by students is done on PCs or on eunuchs systems, where years ago
> the processing was done on mainframes.  I don't think IBM failed to
> convince the university in question to stay on the mainframe; I think
> IBM abandoned the educational mainframe market a long time ago.

the really big discounts were prior to 23jun69 unbundling announcement
... lots of things starting changing with unbundling, charging for
software, etc. misc. posts mentioning unbundling

there was some resurgence in the early 80s with ACIS to try and get back
into the education market; but it was lots of money being pumped in
... but didn't necessarily result in a of lot corporate business; lots
of money went into supporting BITNET (& EARN in europe), big grants to
MIT & Project Athena (x-windows, kerberos, other stuff), CMU (Andrew,
Camelot, Mach ... vistiges of mach evolved into current system used by
Apple), etc.

misc. posts mentioning bitnet & earn:

current ibm-main mailing list originated on bitnet.

other bitnet history

from above:

The first BITNET connection was from CUNY to Yale University. By the end
of 1982 the network included 20 institutions. By the end of the 80's it
connected about 450 universities and research institutions and 3000
computers throughout North America and Europe. By the early 90's, BITNET
was the most widely used research communications network in the world
for email, mailing lists, file transfer, and real-time messaging.

... snip ...

history of bitnet listerv

from above:

In 1985, BITNET was THE academic network. The Internet did not exist
yet, and its ancestor, the ARPAnet, was still mostly a defense
network. A few US universities were connected to the ARPAnet, but in
Europe the only large, non dial-up network was BITNET. BITNET had a
Network Information Centre, called BITNIC or just "the NIC". Like most
BITNET sites at the time, the NIC was using an IBM mainframe running

... snip ...

BITNET used technology similar to the internal network, misc.

the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet from just
about the beginning until possibly late '85 or early '86 ... 1983
desk ornament for 1000th node on internal network

and mostly technology that originated at the science center ... same
place that originated virtual machine technology (originally cp40, then
cp67 which eventually morphed into vm370)

misc old email related to internal network

The arpanet conversion to internetworking protocol (TCP/IP) was 1/1/83
... which is the technology basis for modern internet.  NSFNET backbone
is something of the operational basis for modern internet ... some
old email

and CIX was the business basis for the modern internet.

article from today about the "WEB":

The Internet's Big Bang,28804,1902809_1902810_1905184,00.html

and a look at how early HTML morphed from GML/SGML

SLAC visit to CERN and returning to deploy first webserver outside
europe/cern (on slac's virtual machine system):

misc. past posts mentioning that GML was invented in
1969 at the science center:

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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