IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion


Lionel B. Dyck <sdg><

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is what you 
are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John Wooden

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
McCabe, Ron
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community

I know this is off topic but what does IMHO stand for?

Ron McCabe
Manager of Mainframe/Midrange Systems
Mutual of Enumclaw

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Henri Kuiper
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community

CAUTION: This email is from an external address. Please be careful of links and 

I was referring to the generic average. Not to anything anyone wrote here.

I already regret replying.


> On 26 Jun 2020, at 19:30, Seymour J Metz <> wrote:
> ļ»æNot all change is progress, nor does an ad hominem argument bolster your 
> case. Neither does constructing straw dummies. "New is bad.  Different is 
> bad." is a free construct of your imagination, unrelated to anything that 
> anybody here wrote.
> Are their objections valid? I don't know, but misrepresenting them won't 
> convince anybody that they're wrong.
> --
> Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
> 1e943177ffc4f2d25da08d819fd702e%7C5a381f7dcc3d4a93b2cbd2fd072e535a%7C1
> %7C0%7C637287923585463930&amp;sdata=SjLcLbjqGR3mfHqipZQ1m9cCXLbjpal983
> ru177s4ow%3D&amp;reserved=0
> ________________________________________
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on 
> behalf of Henri Kuiper []
> Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 12:57 PM
> Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community
> Wow. What a lot of pushback.
> This is (IMHO) precisely whatā€™s wrong with the (generic average)  mainframe 
> community. New is bad.  Different is bad.
> Dudes (m/f) : itā€™s not the 80s anymore.
> That being said : hereā€™s a little ā€œwhyā€ for the existence of the thing
> :
> KY1GyyBAr7-13umt61eWdwZnJ4bmDSMkvpmk0_byLSjeOa645E40X2BFl2gbfYLVB5tGPd
> 17bav80BvBMpmwbZflaSxkwRKCxNL5XcRfUQPMhpXZWZmUKY1zXMYL7_BESm8M2UUp15ds
> c7B9m8yYh98BuxkEmTbrJsw_AtpWxwk9--8dv2iecdL4nxNDhXzCt6cDHOu1q85TVJ2MqE
> pSo446EYbJAKC4r5vEuKvLDlI1DJ2XnTNZopVXqx9eofDzOzd8aDo1iWe_YjyhkhxGMZSC
> 3vWLVdzgWUvbc1ciqLqZXVnjecO_3YH03XnqCv8Bk5um6Tm4%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252
> unity-mattermost&amp;data=02%7C01%7Crmccabe%40MUTUALOFENUMCLAW.COM%7Ca
> 1e943177ffc4f2d25da08d819fd702e%7C5a381f7dcc3d4a93b2cbd2fd072e535a%7C1
> %7C0%7C637287923585463930&amp;sdata=feh79oxBKnJUOLcX0pYmtHJwYoOABeIety
> 9EMMxcYUM%3D&amp;reserved=0
> That being said Iā€™d say ā€œtraditionalā€  peeps like some of the reactions I 
> read here should probably not even try to see what it is.
> Thereā€™s no punch cards. No bus&tek. But an easy, modern, new (young) blood 
> friendly environment where about 100 peeps are having some fun discussing 
> mainframe things.
> No hard feelings.
> And a happy weekend !
> Sent from my wireless iPhone
>> On 17 Jun 2020, at 01:12, Peter Bishop <> wrote:
>> ļ»æHi Carmen,
>> "there's no such thing as a dumb question" comes to mind.  No need for any 
>> corner for you.  I also learned a bit of history and now know why that site 
>> Kolosu mentioned looks like so much rubbish now...
>> cheers,
>> Peter
>>>> On 16/06/2020 10:31 pm, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
>>> Kolusu, reached out to me personally and I replied to the wrong message and 
>>> my response went to this forum, so I need more coffee.
>>> thanks for the kind words and now that my response is 'out there' I have to 
>>> apologize to Mark for naming names. As a novice it's sometimes frustrating 
>>> when the company you support does not pay for Q&A support from IBM and has 
>>> been so terrible to loose all their MF staff.
>>> I've been lucky to be able to move on and learn more about design and build 
>>> and supporting my environment.
>>> back to my corner
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Lionel B Dyck" <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 7:24:06 AM
>>> Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community
>>> Carmen - never put yourself down. While you may not be 'as smart' as some, 
>>> I'm sure you are 'smarter' than some as well. We each bring to the table 
>>> (forum/life) our own skills and capabilities which complement rather than 
>>> replace those of others.
>>> Flames should be reserved for fires and stars, not for shaming others.
>>> Lionel B. Dyck <sdg><
>>> Website:
>>> p6zLYzmNDxJ6z8LbrWzqNKRE7ptnw5iOhkRQ2c8tlxUmxWlMCHga0Sh61wLJ5v7tIB3F
>>> Pgl7P0FZbnO2IGRvYoNImo91L3m4-Nh3nMPatReD2DgXqFRZJCuAAK6hvnhfK5RfaTyv
>>> daxOGJO4RNHceQLytnjeMBaKC3SMbn2yACSsavfpWOzE1mSGe1rcML2-AvSd1pjmNwBo
>>> xRVhoiZXC_c1-RH3PG1QbOpmEwn9xD8ZhTQaJ1YoOVwo7jPVe_TeQVImE1vLNSIANkZw
>>> djnp353SoqsOUka5CLnJ_BuoPXfoyGBoGe5KoPrn38nbp4M74Ba6OX1BKixY7lwHU1zS
>>> wreweMWT2oGDOfwBaNk9UcVYlwTboFQ37Nebqh99zBGO-q35f0ruDBXMtYAayr%2Fhtt
>>> TUALOFENUMCLAW.COM%7Ca1e943177ffc4f2d25da08d819fd702e%7C5a381f7dcc3d
>>> 4a93b2cbd2fd072e535a%7C1%7C0%7C637287923585463930&amp;sdata=v2ESDmeE
>>> liiZa3vb2I8gWQqAAH99a0OwzL2VyCzA6GE%3D&amp;reserved=0
>>> "Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is 
>>> what you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John 
>>> Wooden
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On 
>>> Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 7:17 AM
>>> Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community
>>> Kolusu, thank you for the history lesson, I personally would never 
>>> 'advertise' (suggest) this site if I knew how low some folks will go to 
>>> sell answers, I know of a couple of industries that do this,, I 
>>> think was the first site I ever came across that you could ask a question 
>>> and for a nominal price get an answer.
>>> As I mentioned, being a novice myself at one time, I needed help with a 
>>> SYSPLEX issue, I asked here, well, IBM-MAIN, and no one paid attention, at 
>>> the time the hot topic for MVS folks was Windows related, I pointed that 
>>> out that this was a MAINFRAME forum and was immediately shamed and flamed 
>>> by Mark Zelden + others , that was the only reason why I came across that 
>>> other site .
>>> I've been a SYSPROG since 1993 came up from operations, I'm not as smart as 
>>> most here but I do try and provide help when I can, and continue to read 
>>> the Q+A here.
>>> again thanks for reaching out to me and not shaming me more on the 
>>> forum
>>> Carmen Vitullo
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Sri h Kolusu" <>
>>> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 1:01:41 PM
>>> Subject: Re: New Mainframe Community
>>>> well then - they miss out on me, I've got free answers, and I know 
>>>> a lot of folks - beginners mostly that received good help.
>>> I was a member of those sites and provided numerous answers (skolusu) and 
>>> quit when they started forcing ads.
>>>> I have much more work to do than research other sites.
>>> I only pointed out because you are promoting a sham site. Nothing against 
>>> you.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kolusu
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