Some of the problem here is that you are telling me what "will" be there, but I 
don't have anything that actually shows that or even implies it for z/OSMF for 
z/OS.  I don't even have the workflows to verify anything.  

I'm really hoping that I'm being Chicken Little here, but it's looking less and 
less like a good alternative to use z/OSMF.  I still have a big fear of it 
being the "only" option so soon after it is first created.  People won't have 
much time between Late September and January to discover and correct all of the 


On Wed, 21 Jul 2021 10:58:28 -0500, Marna WALLE <> wrote:

>Let's make a clear distinction. Inside the z/OS z/OSMF ServerPac package that 
>is shipped to you, and I'm talking about the archived datasets for you to 
>restore, these are the data sets you'll receive (which is somewhat based on 
>what the product mix you ordered from Shopz):  
>--SMP/E target (including zFS), DLIB, CSIs,  
>--"non-SMP/E data sets" :  CPAC data sets, sample RACF data bases, a sample 
>VTAMLST, a sample SYS1.PARMLIB and sample SYS1.PROCLIB (empty), a sample 
>IPLPARM data set, three sample zFS for z/OS UNIX (var, etc..),  a sample TCPIP 
>IVP data set, and three Workflows.   Several of these non-SMP/E data sets 
>(RACF db, IPLPARM, VTAMLST, SYS1.PARMLIB, SYS1.PROCLIB...), I doubt are ever 
>really used.  I also doubt that resizing the data sets you don't use is an 
>issue here.  
>All these above data sets are those which you can rename, move and catalog 
>anyway you want easily.  However, note I didn't say "size" on that last 
>sentence.  I well understand that topic, as well as know that the most 
>important on that list is the target and DLIBs.  But I also understand that 
>SMP/E maintenance activity isn't the only use case for running out of room in 
>data sets and volumes.  It is probably the one that system programmers most 
>don't like to deal with. I also don't want to leave the impression that we 
>don't know we need to do *something* to help here.   Please let's not debate 
>how important it is to not run out of space in data sets during an APPLY or 
>ACCEPT, and we need a solution.  We are in agreement there.  
>Now, there are additional operational data sets (JES, Sysplex couple ds, BCP 
>page/SMF/dump..., Health Checker, DFSMS SMS, PFA, WLM, just to name a few) 
>that ServerPac "provides" (both for the ISPF and the z/OSMF methods).  For 
>these additional operational data sets in a z/OS z/OSMF ServerPac, you will 
>have complete control over placement, name, *and size*.  These operational 
>data sets are created with the z/OS z/OSMF ServerPac via Workflow steps.   You 
>don't need to run those Workflow steps if you want to reuse what you already 
>have (aka Software Update vs. Full System Replace).  Also - to go even a step 
>farther - z/OSMF ServerPac can even give you a semi-Software Update that the 
>ISPF ServerPac never could.  Only want help setting up PFA, with keeping your 
>existing page, spool, and couple data sets?  Fine - just run only the PFA 
>Workflow step.  In that way, it is truly selectable on what operationals you 
>want help with. I see this as a definite improvement over the ISPF ServerPac.
>Using Workflow variables or the using *the ability to edit the JCL* you can do 
>any changes you want.  Please let's not debate that the size of page or SMF 
>are not controllable by the user, or how important that is.  You can put them 
>wherever you want, size them however you want, and call them whatever you 
>want.  If anything, z/OSMF Workflows make these operational data sets more 
>under your control than ever, if you want to even have them created in the 
>first place.  
>I'm hoping that the above description with these three categories of data sets 
>to expect with a z/OS z/OSMF ServerPac, has helped to understand what is, and 
>is (currently) not under your control.
>-Marna WALLE
>z/OS System Install and Upgrade 
>IBM Poughkeepsie 
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