there are so many pieces, parts that are supported by different teams?

as I stated my first case open with IBM on the zosmf issue I was having was related to JES2EDS, it took almost a year for them to figure out my mail server SMTP did not require authentication , so a special jar file was built and a local override file was required to get past this issue, before that it was me weekly sometimes daily trying to get an update on my issue only to get, we're researching your problem, :(  I had to reach out to my IBM account rep to get any action, so, an instrumental product required to install your OS and other subsystems gets little to no attention, that's been my case.

IMHO - zosmf needs to be more stable and more tolerant like the OS it is built to support


On 8/30/2022 8:53 AM, Mike Shaw wrote:
It seems to me that z/OSMF is being developed one piece at a time, slowly,
instead of starting with a well-thought out and relatively complet design
ahead of time. Portions are being developed and added, one at a time, as
the need for those portions of the product is discovered. It's like we are
all participants in a giant beta test.

My opinion only...

Mike Shaw
MVS/QuickRef Support Group
Chicago-Soft, Ltd.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 9:01 AM Carmen Vitullo <> wrote:

from what I was told by my teammate, Zsecure version 2.5 requires
z/osmf, I could be wrong, she could be mistaken, but the issues she's
having I think would affect Serverpac, or whatever it's called now,
build JCL and submit JCL.

my case I opened was initially on the errors we were seeing on the
submit errors, that was not addressed, just the easy stuff, now I have
to recreate the issue again and make sure I have the correct error
message for support. typical of z/osmf support; my first case I opened
for z/osmf issues was open and not resolved for 364 days, so, so far I'm
ahead of the game I support


On 8/30/2022 7:54 AM, Keith Gooding wrote:
Just curious - I thought that only Serverpac required the use of z/OSMF
and CBPDOs are installed using traditional methods. Are there now products
which have to be installed using z/OSMF ? Is it now possible to install a
CNPDO using z/OSMF.
For the record my experience of z/OSMF for Serverpac installation has
been positive - I would not want to go back to the ISPF dialogue method.
Keith Gooding

On 30 Aug 2022, at 13:37, Carmen Vitullo <> wrote:

I don't recall ever having to work or needing to use a product to
install or maintain a product that required another product as finicky as
at my 2.4 level downloading a product to support that level, the json
file version was not compatible.... WTH,
opening a case with IBM apparently there's an APAR PTF, sorry this is
just insane using a product built on Java to support a Mainframe product
and have this much incompatibility :(
sad, very sad



On 8/29/2022 8:34 PM, Robert Garrett wrote:
zOSMF.  A reasonably good idea that has been extremely poorly and
sloppily implemented.
-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
Behalf Of Carmen Vitullo
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 1:13 PM
Subject: z/OSMF - again, next issue

I'm working with a teammate that is required to use z/osmf to download
an new zsecure release, we successfully added the portable software
instance and provide the https server and client parms, updated the
JOBCARD, the next parts we hunt and peck and guess what to do next, we
found quite by accident we had to 'complete add' to get to the part to
submit the job to download the product from IBM, selecting action/submit
the job we get this error
The request could not be completed because an error occurred. Error:


Aug 29, 2022, 1:02:08 PM

An error occurred when attempting to contact the application server.
The server returned HTTP status code: 500.

the IZU messages are no help, we checked the configuration for the
system(s) and found nothing configured wrong we saw, the PDS where the JCL
was stored we submitted via TSO /ISPF successfully, next we went on and
selected NEXT to move to the next job/process then we got this error An
error occurred when attempting to contact the application server. The
server returned HTTP status code: 500.

Aug 29, 2022, 1:02:45 PM
I did not see any error in the IZUSVR1 address space or in the syslog.
my question, has anyone been successful submitting from z/osmf? is
there somewhere I can check that needs configuring I may have missed?


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