On 7/03/2023 2:43 pm, Mike Schwab wrote:
a zIIP gives adequate performance, otherwise takes 90 minutes to start
up, on z/OS 2.5..

Not disagreeing with other criticisms of zOSMF, but IBM and ISVs need to get together and find an affordable way to get customers onto systems with a modern level of performance. Modern performance probably means minimum of 4 CPs and 300 MSU. That would probably put them somewhere alongside low end desktop PCs. On my development z/OS system, which runs Java about the same speed as my laptop, zOSMF starts in about 1 minute.

My software is Java so I love zIIPs, but in reality they are a band-aid over the real problem - that software pricing has held back performance to the point that small systems are disadvantaged compared to just about any other platform. zIIPs were probably a mistake - they allowed IBM to ignore the performance issues with small systems for far to long.

It's ridiculous that mainframes require software designed for such small systems. We might enjoy the challenge, but it's just killing the platform.

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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