W dniu 29.08.2023 o 21:34, Grant Taylor pisze:
On 8/29/23 12:13 PM, Tom Brennan wrote:
I trust your certificate experience.  But let's get back to the HMC issue for a second.  So the only secure way to get rid of the Firefox warnings and red messages is to use an externally-signed certificate (paid for), and I think that means a manual process to update the HMC web cert/key every year.  Or is there an easier way?

Can you bust the HMC down to use unencrypted HTTP instead of encrypted HTTPS?  --  It would get rid of the red bar.  }:-)

If you want encrypted HTTPS, you will need a certificate that the client you are using trusts.

Where that certificate comes from is up to you / your organization.

http (not https) connection was possible until HMC 1.8.x - last OS/2 based.
Since HMC 2.9.x (z9) and linux-based HMCs the only option is https.
BTW: Nowadays it is very hard to connect to such old HMC - because old encryption suites are no longer supported by any current browser. Even in "I understand the risk" mode. The only solution is to use backlevel workstation with backlevel browser and backlevel java.
However this is completely different story.
My story is I *cannot* change the certificate on some machine. It is not technical, but organizational issue and that's all I can say about it. Of course I can live with recurring warnings, but it is far from convenience and somehow dangerous - that tame me to involuntarily accept such warnings. :-(

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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