Peter wrote:
>I have a general question here. When you don't have crypto processor, So
>when a ATTLS traffic is enabled does the encryption and decryption handled
>by Started task TCPIP or the general processor?

I’ve seen some of the follow-up messages, and it seems like you’re trying to 
troubleshoot a performance/throughput-related issue. Or at least you’d like to 
understand what changed, why you may be observing an elongation in your 
transaction times from CICS’s perspective.

“Crypto processor” could refer to the CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions 
(CPACF) or to the IBM Crypto Express hardware security modules (HSMs). CPACF is 
an integral part of every main processor that’s on every modern IBM Z and all 
IBM LinuxONE machine models. You need to have Feature Code 3863 installed to 
enable CPACF’s full set of cryptographic algorithms. So just make sure that 
feature code is installed on all your machines. CPACF is an integral part of 
your main processors that supports additional instructions that accelerate lots 
of cryptographic operations.

IBM Crypto Express HSMs are optional (but strongly recommended!) features that 
are installed as cards in your IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE server’s PCI slots. In 
recent models there are two variants of the IBM Crypto Express cards: “single 
port” and “dual port.” Dual port means that there are two physical HSMs per 
card. It’s simply a higher density card that allows you to support more HSM 
domains and modes within a smaller physical space, analogous to the difference 
between a fully populated processor drawer and a partially populated one. 
Whether you get the single port or dual port variant (or some of both), their 
role is to protect secrets, especially private encryption keys. They have their 
own onboard processors to execute cryptographic operations, and you need them 
to move beyond “clear key” cryptography. Clear key cryptography means your 
private encryption keys inhabit main memory, the same memory that the operating 
system, middleware, and applications inhabit. Conceivably that memory could be 
accessed — via a dump that hasn’t been redacted, for example — to obtain the 
private keys. The vast majority of non-IBM Z/LinuxONE systems that support TLS 
are operating with clear key, but “we can do better.” And we do: Crypto Express 
facilitates protected key and secure key operations. Get them, use them, love 
them. :-)

But let’s leave that HSM point aside for the moment and just focus on z/OS 
AT-TLS and what you may be observing. If you’re actually seeing longer 
transaction times — if you’ve got reasonable evidence this one change (changing 
an unencrypted connection to a TLS encrypted connection) made the difference — 
then there are likely one or two basic reasons why. One likely reason is that 
you’re not getting a good match between z/OS AT-TLS and CPACF. That is, z/OS 
AT-TLS (and specifically the z/OS System SSL component that AT-TLS uses) isn’t 
exploiting CPACF as much as it could. For example, AT-TLS and the other party 
to the network connection may have mutually negotiated a cipher suite that’s 
less than ideal for CPACF exploitation. Generally you should “encourage” (or 
even require) one of the AES GCM cipher suites, and you can do that by 
configuring AT-TLS to prefer certain cipher suites and outright reject several. 
And of course you should use only TLS 1.2 or higher, with weak cipher suites 
disabled. So... check your cipher suite(s).

Next, do you have the appropriate software levels that can exploit CPACF well 
on your machine? ICSF and System SSL are quite important, so check those levels 
especially. Do you see newer releases (or PTFs) with better CPACF exploitation? 
Get them on if you can. There are some tools and traces you can use to figure 
out how much CPACF exploitation you’re getting.

Finally, you could be observing the natural effects of non-persistent TLS 
connections. When you establish a new TLS connection there’s an initial 
handshake, a negotiation that takes place to establish the secure connection 
before the two systems exchange real data. If you’re comparing non-persistent 
TLS connections to unencrypted connections then you should see double the 
number of network roundtrips: one set of roundtrips to establish the TLS 
connection, then the real data-bearing roundtrips over the TLS connection. And 
these extra hops may be OK! It may be just the “cost of doing business” when 
you turn on TLS to secure your network connections. Non-persistent TLS 
connections are not much of a direct processor utilization concern if you’ve 
got CPACF instructions exploited well, but it may be a latency concern. Greater 
latency, in turn, could have some secondary processor utilization effects.

If you’re concerned about the extra network roundtrips that TLS handshaking 
requires then you can check whether you can establish persistent connections 
instead. And a persistent connection could be TLS, IPSec/IKEv2, or a SSH 
tunnel. Another possible option is to relocate the other party closer (in 
network latency terms) to z/OS AT-TLS. Let’s suppose for example you’re 
connecting from CICS to an OpenLDAP server running on another machine in 
another data center. You could install, configure, and run an instance of 
OpenLDAP on the z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) within the same LPAR running 
your CICS transactions. That z/OS-hosted OpenLDAP server can replicate with 
other OpenLDAP servers elsewhere so that it’s kept in sync. And then your CICS 
application has a much shorter, much lower latency network path because it can 
connect to the local OpenLDAP instance inside the same LPAR.

Does this background help and give you some areas to check?

Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cybersecurity
IBM Z/LinuxONE, Asia-Pacific

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