W dniu 2014-06-02 16:57, Elardus Engelbrecht pisze:
What about these expensive toys:

SoundBlaster or similar stereo system plus 5.1 or better Dolby wireless speakers
Full 3D Force-Feed Joysticks [1]
Wireless gaming mouse with lots of extra custom buttons [2]
Big LED screens 23 inch or larger. For better viewing, get 2 more screens.
Specialized keyboards [3] where you can define all those extra keys for games
Specialized gaming chairs with surround speakers and woofers for a full 
immersive sound experience for those rich gamers (Just don't get too scared 
when you hear an Alien behind you... :-D )

Gaming tables with mountpoints and plugs [and cooling fans] for all those 

I'm not even talking about those weird expensive toys like clothes, gloves and 
helmets just for games.

Printers? You can keep your printer, unless you publish your photos or game 
victory screenshots on glossy papers.

Text based games from CBTTAPE for mainframes are soooo different against a full 
immersive 3D 'shoot them' up games, but then I think it is unfair to compare 
old technology with new technology.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

[1] - Joysticks were available for CAD or such applications on mainframes.
[2] - Trackballs and lightpens were also available for mainframes. Think Air 
Traffic Control or CAD.
[3] - Those weird keyboards have rows on rows extra keys with LEDS under so you 
can quickly see what key to press. These keys are also strategically placed so 
your hands and fingers can touch those keys faster.
No fancy hardware, no gaming software. Just two large LCD displays and apps like PCOMM, x3270, ssh, Office, email, java, browser, IBM Bookreader, Softcopy Reader, etc.
In short words - typical business PC plus some mainframe-specific apps.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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