I'm not sure if anyone can help me, but am asking anyway!  I'm having problems 
with the DISKACNT machine.  I had a routine set up with DISKACNT and ACCSRV to 
collect accounting records.  Everything was going fine except that the DISKACNT 
A disk was filling up about every 30 days or so.  I had DISKACNT set up with a 
PROFILE EXEC similar to ACCSRV with a WAKEUP that retrieved account and then 
tried to clean.  I've come to the conclusion that once the RETRIEVE ACCOUNT 
command is entered, that is all DISKACNT does and it was not recognizing any 
commands afterwards thereby not cleaning the disk.  So, I changed DISKACNT 
PROFILE EXEC to just issue RETRIEVE ACCOUNT and created a batch job to run 
weekly to clean up the A disk for DISKACNT using ftp with MAINT forcing 
DISKACNT off, doing a clean routine and then logging DISKACNT back on.  My 
problem?  All of a sudden DISKACNT appears to be writing records every 15 
minutes or so causing the A disk to fill up in a little over 24 hours (I still 
have the A disk as 1 cylinder).  Before it would write about 51 records for a 
day and now it is writing 4000!  I do not understand how my change  could have 
done this.  Any ideas?

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