I believe I have the cleanup situation in hand.  

When I look at the $ACCOUNT $A040506, there are a lot of type 02 records.  I 
really only need the type 01 to show how much cpu the linux machines are using. 
 I swear the only thing I changed was taking the WAKEUP out of the profile exec 
for DISKACNT.  I just issue the retrieve account command and that's it.  It 
didn't appear to be "waking" up anyway because the date in WAKEUP TIMES file 
never changed.

I guess I can make the A disk big so that it will hold a week's worth of data, 
it just seems odd that it is recording so much more now.  Unfortunately, to get 
out of the problem, I deleted the old ACCOUNT files, so I'm not sure what types 
were in there when I was only getting 50 or so records.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/6/2006 8:37 AM >>>
Anne--Accounting records are created entirely by activity on the 
system.  You will see a record for every user session, for LINK commands, 
TDISK usage, another type can be created by RSCS for file transfers and so 
on.  Some of this can be somewhat controlled by entries in SYSTEM 
CONFIG.  You can take a look at the records that are created, using the 
record layouts in the Planning and Administration manual.  If you were only 
creating 51 records per day previously and now 4000, something changed.

As far as how you get rid of old files, probably everyone has their own 
methods.  Personally, I set an id up to be the SECUSER for DISKACNT.  With 
that in place, I temporarily stop recording by sending a CP EXT 
command.  With recording stopped, I send that day's file to wherever I 
process the records (MVS in my case), run an exec to clean up old 
accounting files, and restart recording and record retrieval.  I can send 
you the code if you want.

A 1 cyl collection disk is pretty small even for a system that doesn't do 
much in the way of account record generation.  Why don't you splurge and 
give it a few more cylinders.


At 08:09 AM 4/6/2006, you wrote:
>I'm not sure if anyone can help me, but am asking anyway!  I'm having 
>problems with the DISKACNT machine.  I had a routine set up with DISKACNT 
>and ACCSRV to collect accounting records.  Everything was going fine 
>except that the DISKACNT A disk was filling up about every 30 days or 
>so.  I had DISKACNT set up with a PROFILE EXEC similar to ACCSRV with a 
>WAKEUP that retrieved account and then tried to clean.  I've come to the 
>conclusion that once the RETRIEVE ACCOUNT command is entered, that is all 
>DISKACNT does and it was not recognizing any commands afterwards thereby 
>not cleaning the disk.  So, I changed DISKACNT PROFILE EXEC to just issue 
>RETRIEVE ACCOUNT and created a batch job to run weekly to clean up the A 
>disk for DISKACNT using ftp with MAINT forcing DISKACNT off, doing a clean 
>routine and then logging DISKACNT back on.  My problem?  All of a sudden 
>DISKACNT appears to be writing records every 15 minutes or so causing the 
>A disk to fill up in a little over 24 hours (I still have the A disk as 1 
>cylinder).  Before it would write about 51 records for a day and now it is 
>writing 4000!  I do not understand how my change  could have done 
>this.  Any ideas?

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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