I tried to move the DISKACNT A disk to a bigger slot.  That area had previously 
been used by something else.  I issued the FORMAT 191 A command and discarded 
the old stuff.  The 'area' still has the old label so I did FORMAT 191 A 
(label) and gave it the DSK191 label.  I must need to do something else, 
because when I logon as DISKACNT and q disk, it shows much more space than I 
put in the user directory.  Do I have to do a CPFMTXA?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/6/2006 9:07 AM >>>
02 records are 'Dedicated Devices'.  I believe that also include 'ATTACHed' 
devices.  cc 1-8 is the userid of the owner.  cc 17-28 is mmddyyhhmmss when 
the record was created when the device was released.  You'll need to dig in 
Appendix F of Planning and Admin to see what the device it is.  That info 
is recorded in cc 33-36.  (Must be giving away my age when I am referring 
to card column.  Of course, I have 5081 cards in my shirt pocket.)

At 08:57 AM 4/6/2006, you wrote:
>I believe I have the cleanup situation in hand.
>When I look at the $ACCOUNT $A040506, there are a lot of type 02 
>records.  I really only need the type 01 to show how much cpu the linux 
>machines are using.  I swear the only thing I changed was taking the 
>WAKEUP out of the profile exec for DISKACNT.  I just issue the retrieve 
>account command and that's it.  It didn't appear to be "waking" up anyway 
>because the date in WAKEUP TIMES file never changed.
>I guess I can make the A disk big so that it will hold a week's worth of 
>data, it just seems odd that it is recording so much more 
>now.  Unfortunately, to get out of the problem, I deleted the old ACCOUNT 
>files, so I'm not sure what types were in there when I was only getting 50 
>or so records.
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/6/2006 8:37 AM >>>
>Anne--Accounting records are created entirely by activity on the
>system.  You will see a record for every user session, for LINK commands,
>TDISK usage, another type can be created by RSCS for file transfers and so
>on.  Some of this can be somewhat controlled by entries in SYSTEM
>CONFIG.  You can take a look at the records that are created, using the
>record layouts in the Planning and Administration manual.  If you were only
>creating 51 records per day previously and now 4000, something changed.
>As far as how you get rid of old files, probably everyone has their own
>methods.  Personally, I set an id up to be the SECUSER for DISKACNT.  With
>that in place, I temporarily stop recording by sending a CP EXT
>command.  With recording stopped, I send that day's file to wherever I
>process the records (MVS in my case), run an exec to clean up old
>accounting files, and restart recording and record retrieval.  I can send
>you the code if you want.
>A 1 cyl collection disk is pretty small even for a system that doesn't do
>much in the way of account record generation.  Why don't you splurge and
>give it a few more cylinders.
>At 08:09 AM 4/6/2006, you wrote:
> >I'm not sure if anyone can help me, but am asking anyway!  I'm having
> >problems with the DISKACNT machine.  I had a routine set up with DISKACNT
> >and ACCSRV to collect accounting records.  Everything was going fine
> >except that the DISKACNT A disk was filling up about every 30 days or
> >so.  I had DISKACNT set up with a PROFILE EXEC similar to ACCSRV with a
> >WAKEUP that retrieved account and then tried to clean.  I've come to the
> >conclusion that once the RETRIEVE ACCOUNT command is entered, that is all
> >DISKACNT does and it was not recognizing any commands afterwards thereby
> >not cleaning the disk.  So, I changed DISKACNT PROFILE EXEC to just issue
> >RETRIEVE ACCOUNT and created a batch job to run weekly to clean up the A
> >disk for DISKACNT using ftp with MAINT forcing DISKACNT off, doing a clean
> >routine and then logging DISKACNT back on.  My problem?  All of a sudden
> >DISKACNT appears to be writing records every 15 minutes or so causing the
> >A disk to fill up in a little over 24 hours (I still have the A disk as 1
> >cylinder).  Before it would write about 51 records for a day and now it is
> >writing 4000!  I do not understand how my change  could have done
> >this.  Any ideas?
>Jim Bohnsack
>Cornell Univ.
>(607) 255-1760

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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