That's pretty much it if you want to use standard labels.

From DDR's point of view it doesn't matter what the file is that was 

skipped. It could be a volume label, an IPL'able copy of DDR, or a VMFPLC

One caveat, though: if you're using a product to mount the SL tapes for 

you then you have to be cognizant of where it leaves the tape positioned 

after the mount.  If it leaves it positioned *after* the label, as 
expected, then you either do *not* want to use the SKIP option, or you 

want to rewind the tape before starting the DDR.  In either case, when yo
restore you'll need the SKIP option.

Extra tape marks never hurt.

Brian Nielsen

On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 16:28:35 -0400, George Haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I would like to DDR DUMP to standard label (3480-XF) tapes.
>For reasons I won't go into here, I plan to "manually" define the
>extents to be dumped to each tape, so DDR's multi-volume tape handling
>is not an issue.
>So is there any more to it than writing a VOL1 hdr, starting at the load

>point,  then doing the DDR dump with a SKIP 1 on OUTPUT?
>For example, in a CMS environment, would this be correct ?
>1) Write a VOL1 label to the tape
>              TAPE WVOL1 volser userid (XF
>              TAPE WTM 2
>2)  Boot a Standalone DDR
>3) Mount the tape labeled in Step 1
>4)  DDR dump:
>         INPUT nnnn 3390 volser
>         OUTPUT mmmm 3480 (SKIP 1 MODE XF
>         DUMP start-cyl TO end-cyl
>Is the WTM needed after the WVOL1 to mark the end-of-tape?
>Does writing a VOL1 header w/o HDR1 cause any problems?
>Is it really this straightforward?
>Any gotchas I should be aware of (other than multi-tape DDR dumps, which

>as I said, won't be an issue in my case)?

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