Hughes, Jim - OIT wrote:
One of the management types near me is concerned about TCPIP "buffer overrun security exposure" on our ZVM 5.2 Z890 system.

Ask them which vendor's TCP/IP stack has this vulnerability they're asking about. Microsoft? Sun? HP?

I am not an expert with windows and linux tcpip security exposures. The 
management type is windows and linux fluent.

The key point is, the TCP/IP stack on VM does not come from the common code base in the Unix world. IBM (and the University of Wisconsin, many years ago) did not propagate old mistakes.

Should I be concerned with buffer overrun security exposures?

Are you up to date relatively on your TCP/IP service?

If I should not be concerned, how would I go about giving comfort to the 
concerned management types?

"Hey, I'm good. We're current on service from the vendor, and I keep aware of what my peers elsewhere are finding."

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