On 2/27/07, Alan Ackerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone been able to access the Microsoft Active Directory  from CMS?
(This is an alternative to

My understanding is the AD is also just LDAP, but a particular layout
of the various bits and pieces (like the topology of the tree and the
name of attributes). You might also read up on winbind which is/was
the part of Samba that talks to AD.
One of the major challenges is that either side has unique attributes
for a user/group (e.g. user number) and when there's only one place to
register them, the other side has to make up these attributes. And
next day you want it to make up the same attribute for that user (so
he can still get at his stuff).

I know essentially NOTHING about Active Directory.

It's probably worth reading some introduction material on the Net. If
nothing else, start at Wikipedia:

I would not dare to encourage you going against company preferred
API's. I remember the public key of the requester also needs to be in
AD for it to verify the request. That rules out your other options.
Unless you could have them put the key of your Linux Samba server in
for authentication and have that server play proxy for your requests
(so Linux would host a web page that authenticates through winbind
against AD, and your CMS service doing a tcpclient call under the
covers to that web page).
Would be way more fun if you could just use ldapclient against the
database. If so, I did start doing some plumbing for encode and decode
of ASN.1 (the format of the LDAP protocol) and might be able to turn
it into something working when we have an application at hand.


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