
You need to detach the volumes from SYSTEM on the 1st level VM
That way they can be attached to VMTEST to be used 2nd level.

good luck

Bill Munson
IT Specialist
VM System Programmer
Office of Information Technology
State of New Jersey
(609) 984-4065

President MVMUA

Anne Crabtree wrote:
tried that... seems no matter what i do, second level just says they don't exist!

Anne D. Crabtree
System Programmer
WV Dept of Administration - OT
304-558-5914 ext 8885
Fax 304-558-1351

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/22/2007 8:58 AM >>>

If you put:

  User_Volume_Include *

in your SYSTEM CONFIG of your 2nd level system, then all the available
volumes will be attached to system at IPL time.

Ronald van der Laan

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