Roger Deschner wrote this back in 2002. Here it is:


I used Romney White's VMFTP to build a program that does just that. Some

In order to use VMFTP, you must have CMS be the client, and your target
system (PC, Unix...) be the FTP server. There are free FTP daemons for
Win95, such as War FTP. I used a commercial one from Hummingbird that
came with their fine Host Explorer telnet product.

Beware of VMFTP macros - they are Rexx programs running with ADDRESS
VMFTP in effect. Do not attempt to change this permanently with the
ADDRESS statement. That means, for instance, that to run a pipe you must

VMFTP tells you a lot via return codes. Don't ignore them; check them.
They can vary depending on which FTP server you are talking to.

VMFTP needs numeric IP addresses. Look 'em up with a PIPE.

Use a PIPE XLATE stage to turn your EBCDIC plain text files into ASCII.
This way you can strip trailing blanks, and have total control over the
translation process. Then FTP with binary. Use only XLATE FROM 1047 TO
achieve this desired translation is within a CMS PIPE. I could, and
have, written volumes about this, so I won't bore you here.

Some programs (Eudora, for instance) care that empty lines must be
exactly length 0. That is, they must be CR LF CR LF, not CR LF SPACE CR
LF. They are not recognized as blank lines if they are length one which
is a space character. You must strip trailing blanks - all of them.
Zero-length lines are invalid in CMS files. Fortunately, a zero-length
line is valid within a pipeline, so this can be dealt with, using the
above technique of building the ASCII file on CMS and then transferring
it as a binary file.

The myth of the "Standard ASCII computer" is just that - a myth. You
will have to deal with the differences in lineneding characters between
Unix (LF), Mac (CR), and DOS-Windows-OS/2 (CRLF).

Build a list of files to FTP and then have your VMFTP macro read that
file. It is inevitable that long FTP transfers will be interrupted and
will need to be restarted. When that happens, just comment out or delete
the files in this driver file which have already been transferred. If
you don't use this technique, you'll never make much progress and you
will frustrate yourself trasnferring the same files over and over again.

Don't let minor net glitches bother you. If you get a return code from a
PUT that suggests a network error, simply CP SLEEP 30 SEC and then try
it again. Then if it doesn't work the second time, worry. Within a VMFTP
macro I was able to find only one way to issue a CP SLEEP: ADDRESS
COMMAND 'CP SLEEP 30 SEC' I don't know why this is, but that's a way I
found that worked. ADDRESS CP did not work - it didn't fall asleep.

Keep your spooled console files and inspect them. This is critical for
restarting a failed transfer or for figuring out the myraid of other
ways things can go wrong with this.

Even on Windows 98+, the ancient MS/DOS file name restrictions apply. I
wouldn't mention this if it hand't bitten me - hard. The rule is, files
NUL and with a filetype three characters or shorter, cannot be
represented on a DOS or Windows system. You will need to check for CMS
files which fall into this category and rename them as you download them
- I simply padded the filetype to four characters with $. The error
messages will be completely misleading when this occurs, so prevention
is the only cure.

The : (colon) character is valid within CMS fileids, but not on other
systems. I translate it to % (percent).

There are a lot of special files that you'll need to deal with. SPSS,
SAS, VMARC, NETDATA, and binary files need to be located and converted
to a more portable format, or transferred as binary.

When I had to do this for several hundred users, I simply wrote the
files to Joliet-format CDs which we mailed to them. It's archival, and
getting the files from a CD to other systems is easy. Windows can simply
open a Joliet CD as though it were a Zip disk or whatnot, so "uploading"
from a CD consists of simply copying. Beware that copies of files from
any CD will have the Read-Only Attribute. Zip disks or floppy disks
could also be used, but are smaller, not archival, and are costlier.

I could go on. If you need more details, or if you need specific help
with something when you're in the middle of it, send me email off-list.

Roger Deschner University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
==== A carelessly planned project will take three times longer than ====
== expected; a carefully planned project will take only twice as long.


Jim Hughes
"There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're
talking about."
John von Neumann 


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 1:56 PM
Subject: FTP


We have a one-time need to FTP thousands of files to an MVS system from
VM. Is there any way to coax FTP to read a file for its subcommands? I
see nothing in the syntax that performs the same function as the Windows
switch -s:fileid. Is it really necessary to stack all of the subcommands
before issuing the FTP command?

Richard Schuh 

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