>Les and JR,
>Firstly :
>Thanks to gave me the info 'PMH 84921,004,000'. I asked our hardware to l
>at this. I don't have a feedback yet.
>Secondly :
>I was able to IPL our z/VM530 today and ...
>- from z/VM440, I ipled z/VM530 2nd lvl and did a test about the target :
>nothing changed. Problem still alive :(
>- I ipled z/VM530 1st lvl and did a test, then did it again and again to
>absolutely sure. I washed my glasses and yes our problem disappeared. NO
>So it was not a hardware problem. Glad to see this has been corrected in
>z/VM version.

There isn't anything in a newer release of z/VM that would change the
behavior of this problem.  It really is a hardware problem.
This problem only occurs when you use VOLSPECIFIC as a target
category on a mount request.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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