On Fri, 9 May 2008 13:44:14 -0400, Mark Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> Something you might want to try for debugging purposes is to remove t
>>> hardware from the equation by defining a hipersocket LAN and connect 

>>> z/OS guest and a VM TCP/IP stack to it.
>> There could be something to that.   When I create a z/OS under z/VM I 

>> to use a vswitch LAN connection instead of a real OSA.  The real OSA
>> dedicated to z/OS just will not work.
>Now that I think about it, I believe I read that you could not connect a

>Virtual LAN, or VSWITCH to Hipersockets.  I need to read some and find o
>where I got that idea.

No you can't, but that wasn't the intent.

The intent of the test is to replace the real hipersocket connection on 

the failing guest with a connection to a LAN hipersocket, then add a VM 

TCP/IP stack to that same LAN hipersocket.  If that works, then the 
problem is not routing, but rather something related to the accessing the
real hardware.  You also gain the ability to use Q LAN as a debugging too
to verify that the z/OS guest really did connect to the LAN hipersocket.

Brian Nielsen

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