On Fri, 9 May 2008 08:27:19 -0400, Mark Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Removing RMCHINFO had no effect.
>Routing and IP information from different systems on the Hipersocket Lan


>I can't find any error in the addressing or routing.
>I really appreciate anyone that has taken the time to look this over!!

That looked fine to me, too.

From the z/OS guest: What do a NETSTAT,ARP and a TRACERTE show?

Something you might want to try for debugging purposes is to remove the 

hardware from the equation by defining a hipersocket LAN and connect your
z/OS guest and a VM TCP/IP stack to it.

I'm assuming that the z/OS guest is running under the VM you showed 
running on the GP's (as opposed to a different VM on the GP's).  So I 
don't think anything in the IOCP should be an issue, but leave no stone 


<grasp at straw>
I also see that you're running z/OS 1.9 and VM 5.2 (we're on 1.7 and 
5.3).  Perhaps there's service on one or the other that's relevant.
</grasp at straw>

Brian Nielsen

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