There is a round about way of doing this.  Fran and I came up with it about 4 
years ago.

VMBACKUP can backup to DASD.
With that, you need to specify the size of a "tape" file that will exist on 
Then, you do, in my case, a twin backup specifying a disk file and tape.
When the disk file is full, it will start a new disk and a new tape file.

I do believe there is a "triple" option of running a backup against 3 output 
devices.  So this may help with a twin.

Anyway, if you are running twin backups from VMBACKUP both copies will be the 
same size as the smallest media.  You shouldn't have a problem there.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

Law of Cat Acceleration

  A cat will accelerate at a constant rate, until he gets good and
  ready to stop.

>>> Mark Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/6/2008 8:50 AM >>>
> Curiousity question, because I don't know VM:Backup, is there a way to
> tell VM:Backup to only use n% of a tape? Our z/OS backup utility can be
> told to do this. If this is possible, then you could fill a tape up to,
> say, 80% and be fairly confident that the second tape would be long
> enough to hold that data.

Not that I'm aware of.

Mark Wheeler

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