Appreciate all of the responses so far.  The Hitachi UPS V is relatively 
new  on the market and was not ordered with any PAV in the initial buy. will be FICON attached and serve two z/OS LPARs along with a 
z/VM system with two IFLs. 

I have read the z/VM 5.3 enhancement notes talking about Hyper-PAV 
support.  I just couldn't find anything....or anyone.....that talked about 
dynamic PAV.  I did find a paper that talked about how to do "dynamic" PAV 
with 5.1 or 5.2, but it looked real messy.  The 5.3 "CP Planning and 
Admin" book outlines PAV pretty well, but seems to be generic as far as 
which type of PAV is being discussed.  We would obviously like to do Hyper 
over anything else for all of the obvious work intensive reasons.

I don't really have any way to test whether we are going to have I/O 
queueing problems since we can only do 3390-3 right now.  The UPS V is 
still in install process and the planned servers after that.  Trying to 
think logically, by running larger volumes with ......for example.......a 
DB2 database on a M9 or M27 accessible to 30k+ users might be a problem 
without PAV.  We would like to do it up front instead of catch up later. 

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