On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looking down the road, I see a rough ride for people who don't use SERVICE
> and PUT2PROD.

Ugh. When I noticed that PUT2PROD would simply force the TCPIP service
machine without any check & warning, I decided this was just not meant
to be used in the open.
It must not be too hard to optionally show the systems programmer what
needs to be done rather than just doing it. But if nothing else,
what's your objection against playing it on a 2nd level system and
then compare mini disks to find what needs to be done?

When the maintenance process requires a fair number of manual tasks to
be repeated on the production systems, it greatly reduces the value of
doing this on a test system.


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