On Friday, 07/18/2008 at 01:45 EDT, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Since PCOMM is one of the few extras that my client has chosen to buy, I
> am happy to live with THAT requirement for the availability of ALMCOPY. 
> f
> it were provided only with a refresh of PCOMM (at whatever the next
> maintenance level might be), that's fine.
> I would not expect the PCOMM developers to develop extra utilities for
> other vendor's terminal emulation programs. If I have to use the free
> x3270, I will just have to live with the limited features of IND$FILE. 
> t
> extra features for PCOMM are more than welcome.

Then I would suggest opening requirements against PCOMM to supply such a 
utility.  (They currently supply ZipPrint and CMMOUSE.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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