>>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at  4:00 PM, in message
Noal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> David,
> I recently tried this route, but I believe I downloaded the Server 10 SP1 
> package.

Most likely.  The SP2 version of the Starter System was just recently made 
available for download.

> Where did you find or how did you obtain the Server SP2 package? Is it free?
Are you asking about the SP2 version of the starter system, or of SLES10 
itself?  The starter system link is in the email that started this thread:
For this branch of the decision tree, it's more appropriate to ask Novell where 
we got it, since Sine Nomine are the ones that created it and uploaded it to 
us.  :)

If you're talking about the "vanilla" SLES10 SP2 download is here:

Both are no-cost downloads, but unless you buy a license at some point, you 
only get 180 days of maintenance.

> I would really like to use the SuSE distribution vs. RedHat.

Glad to hear it.  :)

Mark Post

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