>>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at  4:33 PM, in message
"Quay, Jonathan (IHG)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Ok, I have a license and I'm about to download and install SLES10SP2.
> Can I somehow, and I haven't completely read through the Starter Set
> documentation, download the SLES-10-SP2-DVD-s390x-GM-DVD1 and 2 .iso
> images and serve them using the NOVSTART virtual machine?

If you download the starter system, it will have the complete contents of DVD1 
already included in it.  You don't really need DVD2 unless you want to play 
with source RPMs, and you probably don't.  So, download the starter system, 
install it, and you're ready to start creating Linux guests.

Mark Post

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