On 7/18/08 4:33 PM, "Quay, Jonathan (IHG)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I have a license and I'm about to download and install SLES10SP2.
> Can I somehow, and I haven't completely read through the Starter Set
> documentation, download the SLES-10-SP2-DVD-s390x-GM-DVD1 and 2 .iso
> images and serve them using the NOVSTART virtual machine?

The SP2 starter system contains the entire SP2 DVD image already set up for
this purpose. If you set up a SP1 starter system, just use a different
userid for the NOVSTART system -- there's nothing in there that cares about
the userid it's installed in -- and use that as your new install server.
That way you don't mess up anything that already works, and you can easily
switch back and forth for production use w/o breaking things.

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