On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:17:15 -0500, Bill Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

>To address the question of adding Linux real memory dynamically: 
>The z/Linux support for dynamic addition of real memory has been provide
d to
>the open source community fairly recently. (I don't know the exact date.
>When that support becomes generally available is up to the open source
>community and the commercial distributors of Linux.
>There is no support for dynamically adding real memory to z/VM itself or
>dynamically increasing the "guest real" memory (that is, "DEF STOR" 
>memory) for guest of z/VM in any announced release of z/VM.  
>- Bill Holder
>  z/VM Development, IBM

As of this morning's announcement of z/VM 5.4.0, 
z/VM support for dynamic addition of storage to 
z/VM itself, as well as dynamic addition and removal 
of storage to/from z/VM guests (if supported by the 
guest operating system) is now announced.

- Bill Holder
  z/VM Development, IBM

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