If I update one VM to 5.4 before another running 5.2, can one be layer 2
while the other is layer 3?  Each is sharing the same physical OSA, but
different addresses.

While I am installing the new VM 2nd level I have it connected to my 1st
level vswitch.  Can the 2nd level vswitch be layer 2 while the 1st level
switch it is connected to is layer 3?

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Alan Altmark <alan_altm...@us.ibm.com>wrote:

> On Wednesday, 12/10/2008 at 08:39 EST, RPN01 <nix.rob...@mayo.edu> wrote:
> > I attempted this yesterday, and I haven?t searched the archives yet, so
> if this
> > has been gone over, I apologize.
> >
> > Looking through the books, it would appear that the changes needed to go
> from
> > layer 3 to layer 2 protocol would be to add ?ETHERNET? to the vSwitch
> > definition, and to add ?ETHERNET? to the DEVICE description in the
> profile
> > TCPIP file. Now, as you may well have guessed by the fact that I?m
> posting this
> > message, doing this didn?t produce desirable results. I.E. The
> connection doesn?
> > t ping or work in any other useful way.
> There is no ETHERNET option on the DEVICE statement, so you're probably
> getting configuration errors and the device isn't activating.  Check the
> TCPIP console log.  In z/VM 5.4 there is an ETHERNET statement on the LINK
> (type QDIOETHERNET) statement.  This capability is not in z/VM 5.3.
> > Do I need to talk to the network people? Is there something they need to
> do in
> > the OSA, or on the network? Have I missed something in the
> configuration? Do I
> > need to check for more current maintenance? (Right now, this is on z/VM
> 5.3...
> > Soon to be 5.4)
> Layer 2 vs. 3 is set entirely within the OSA by the host.  There's nothing
> for your networking people to do.  Remember, however, that with Layer 2
> the virtual MAC address will appear on the REAL network.  Therefore it
> must be unique within the LAN segment.  With a single VM system you're ok,
> but with two or more systems on the same LAN segment, you need to use the
> MACPREFIX in SYSTEM CONFIG to set the prefix to be unique.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems
1700 Summit Lake Drive
Tallahassee, FL. 32317

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