Hi Mark,

I suspect the errors you've encountered stem from somehow referencing a
pre-540 SSL 'class' entry  -- one that lacks the :runtime.C , :mount. and

other tags that define values needed for the 540 SSL server.  Please chec
your SYSTEM DTCPARMS file (or any others you've customized) for a
stale/rogue pre-540 SSL class entry that looks like this one:

:nick.ssl     :type.class     
              :name.SSL daemon

Also, ensure that a pre-540 level IBM DTCPARMS file is not present in the

CMS search order of the (540) SSL server, and that thePK65850- level IBM
DTCPARMS file *is* available.  The class definition from this file is: 

:nick.ssl     :type.class                
              :name.SSL daemon               
              :Admin_ID_list.TCPMAINT GSKADMIN         
              :mount. /../VMBFS:VMSYS:ROOT/      /     ,     
                      /../VMBFS:VMSYS:SSLSERV/   /tmp  ,     
                      /../VMBFS:VMSYS:GSKSSLDB/  /etc/gskadm 
              :parms.KEYFile /etc/gskadm/Database.kdb       

(Note: The 540 GA-level of this file lacks the 'SSLSERV' file space ID fo
the '/tmp' mount; commentary in the updated file explains why this needs 
be included.)

One other customer ran across the errors you cited for this same reason, 
I've just not had a chance to update the page you had checked to add this


Regards, Mark Cibula (z/VM TCP/IP Support)

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