On Thursday, 03/19/2009 at 08:39 EDT, "Mrohs, Ray" <ray.mr...@usdoj.gov> 
> Thanks Alan. Unfortunately our site is standardized on the Rumba client,
> and the centrally managed upgrades happen once a blue moon. It looks
> like it might be a while before we can utilize the new SSLSERV, even
> under the best circumstances.
> Is there a list of clients that have been tested and work?

- IBM Personal Communications 5.9 works
- Seagull's BlueZone works
- x3270 works
- wc3270 (Windows version of x3270) works
- Zephyr Passport works
- IBM Host on Demand fails
- Micro Focus Rumba fails
- Attachmate Reflection fails

In all cases our tests were with the levels current over the past year or 
so.  We're building a more detailed list that will include the specific 
levels for both tn3270 and ftp.  Note that some of the above do not 
support negotiated SSL.

Those that fail will also fail with z/OS since it's the same SSL/TLS 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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