On Wednesday, 11/11/2009 at 03:25 EST, "Frank M. Ramaekers" 
<framaek...@ailife.com> wrote:
> Oh, there is no OSA associated with the VSwitch (it's internal only).

Ah.  New Network = New Subnet = New IP Addresses.  There is special 
support in Linux and z/OS, and maybe the z/VSE stacks?, provide a 
"HiperSocket Accelerator" which may be enabled when you put the same IP 
addy on different interfaces.  Dunno.  z/VM TCP/IP doesn't have that 

But you're making this way too hard, Frank.  :-)  Just take the OSA(s) 
away from z/VSE and VM TCP/IP and give it/them to the VSWITCH.  No worries 
about new subnets, no host routes, no duplicate IP addresses.  And you 
inherit OSA failover capability without requiring any kind of dynamic 
routing daemons.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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