Vista. That brings back memories. Howard Grams created the original ACTIVE 
while at TWA. Vista was our second generation, much more versatile, 
replacement, written at Piedmont Airlines in 1985. Howard wrote the code for 
the  VISTACTL machine and the ALC terminal emulation; I wrote the CTC code. The 
same text deck was used in both the TPF and CMS machines. The only CP Free 
Storage used for the CTC connection was whatever was needed to support the 
VCTCAs. The rest of its storage was buffers in the various machines. 

IIRC, the CMS machines communicated with VISTACTL using SMSGs, with large 
messages being broken down into appropriate sizes and reassembled by VISTACTL 
before being sent to the TPF machines over the CTC connection. The return 
messages, depending on their sizes, were subject to the same process. That is a 
more likely area of concern, depending on the number and size of the queries 
and responses. It may be that the smsgs were piling up faster that they were 
being retrieved.    

I/P was our next goal; however, outsourcing ended that.

Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Gregg
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 9:40 AM
> Subject: Re: System Free Storage
> Richard, they are sending performance queries to TPF images; 
> ACTIVE(ACTION? can't recall for sure), VISTA like but called 
> TASTE on this system over ESCON CTCs; We've an IP flavor that 
> we're moving to that doesn't have this issue or hasn't shown 
> any in other systems.
> Many years ago, our VISTACTL machine had a similiar problem 
> but I don't recall any of the query machines having it.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Schuh, Richard 
> <> wrote:
> > Can you give us a general idea of what the machines are 
> supposed to be doing?
> --
> Gregg Reed
> "No Plan, survives execution"

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