Ok, I should have read the whole thread more carefully - both re-IPL and
SYSTEM CLEAR had already been tried with no effect, redefining virtual
storage would be a similar no-op.  I think Richard's probably on the righ
track with the theory about SMSG backlogs building up, resetting the virt
machine wouldn't clear that, I don't think.

- Bill Holder, z/VM Development, IBM 

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:57:40 -0600, Bill Holder <hold...@us.ibm.com> wrot

>Correct, though redefining virtual machine storage to a different size
>performs a reset clear function on the virtual machine, which could well

>help clear up the problem.
>But as Alan says, this isn't typically something a customer can unravel
>looking at the system "from the outside".  
>- Bill Holder, z/VM Development, IBM

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