On Thursday, 03/11/2010 at 03:19 EST, "Daniel P. Martin" 
<dmar...@gizmoworks.com> wrote:
> Well,  yes, the semicolon does work...  but if you're going to have to
> do new work to hack the way DDR parses statements anyhow, REXX-ish
> syntax would certainly be a desirable approach.  Not that I have any
> delusions about the development process being at all democratic, but if
> you're considering votes, I vote for:
> - "/* blah blah blah */" syntax for comments
> - ";" (semicolon) for statement continuation

Ooooh.  Humpty Dumpty strikes again!  You have cleverly changed the 
definition of "desirable" to mean "the most complicated option possible". 
REXX comments.  Nesting.  <gack>

Semicolons, otoh, are simple to describe and simple to implement.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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