On Thursday, 03/11/2010 at 11:11 EST, "Schuh, Richard" <rsc...@visa.com> 
> Not that I mind having it written on the CFx disk, I do not use it on 
any live 
> system, but I seem to remember someone on this list, someone from IBM, 
> that the PARM disks were there for our use in customizing the system and 
> they would not be violated by IBM. I don't remember who said it, but I 
> his initials were A.A.

The CF1 disk ("production") is yours to do with as you please.  CF2 is a 
"build" disk and belongs to IBM.  CF3 is a copy of your CF1.  You put it 
on the CF1 and it will end up on CF2 and CF3.

If PUT2PROD doesn't meet your needs, you need to tell us in what way it 
interferes with your ability to service your systems. 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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