On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 18:51:01 -0500, Ed Zell <ewz...@illinoismutual.com> w

>  This time we had a strange error where the FLEX console could not find

>the VM IPL terminal.  I think it is because we also
>  changed the UNIX time to adjust to the constant "drift" that we see
>with the system time (FLEX/UNIX always ends up
>  running a minute or so fast over a few months).  To compensate, we
>changed our procedure to always do an INIT 6 on 
>  the tServer after we change the clock for drift compensation.

Likely that is the right self-diagnosis.  See:
 in section 3. 
Give me a shout off-list if you would like to discuss in detail. 
Gary Eheman

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