Another point I¹ve not seen mentioned, and I¹m not sure if it¹s true or

Given a dedicated volume to a Linux guest, won¹t the guest start only one
I/O to the device at a time, and wait for it to complete? If you break up a
larger volume into several minidisks (like a mod 27 into mod 9¹s) aren¹t you
allowing the z/VM multipathing to do its job more efficiently, even if you
give all the smaller volumes to the same Linux guest?

Like I said, I may be totally off base, but this is the impression I¹ve

Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
RO-OE-5-55             200 First Street SW    /V\
507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
-----                                        ^^-^^
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/24/10 2:38 PM, "Scott Rohling" <> wrote:

> I would not recommend using DEDICATE --  why would you do that rather than use
> minidisks?   What you need to be aware of is that if you DEDICATE -- Linux
> will label the DASD -- and that's what you'll see at the z/VM level -- and are
> likely to see duplicate labels.  (to things like 0x0200 and 0x0300,
> etc...).    Also - if you dedicate - you can't use things like DIRMAINT do
> manage your dasd and keep things in pools, etc -- you have to manage it all
> yourself.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
> <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a question. What I have been doing up to this point for a new z/Linux
>> guest build is, not necessarily in this order and does not necessarily
>> include all steps but,
>> Crave out the DASD for the z/Linux guest
>> Init the DASD using CPFMTXA putting a label on the disk
>> Setting up the Directory entry for the new guest, which includes specifying
>> the MDISK for all of the DASD for the guest.
>> We back up our z/Linux guests on the z/OS side with DFDSS.
>> My question is since when we Kick Start the new z/Linux guest and it
>> initializes the DASD during this process is there any compelling reason for
>> me to initialize the DASD up front before the guest is Kick Started for the
>> first time basically doing a double INIT?
>> If not I assume then I would replace the MDISK statements in the Directory
>> entry with DEDICATE statements for each one of the DISKS. We do not share
>> DASD between guests here so what is defined to the guest belongs to that
>> guest only. Is there anything to be aware of by changing to DEDICATE
>> statements from MDISK statements?
>> My only concern is with the DFDSS backups that I do on the z/OS for the
>> guests. I am not sure if it matters or not to DFDSS whether the pack was
>> initialized via CPFMTXA or z/Linux during the kick start process?
>> Thank You,
>> Terry Martin
>> Lockheed Martin - Citic
>> z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
>> Office - 443 348-2102
>> Cell - 443 632-4191

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