I am a little confused about what WWPN goes where in your case.

Based on prior email, C05076FAE3000400 is the WWPN of your virtual FCP
adapter (because NPIV is in place).  It starts with a "C".  But
50060E80042CC20C looks to me more like a storage side WWPN.  What is the
"real WWPN" of your FCP adapter 5000?  Might start with "5005", though a
"5006" prefix is certainly also possible.  (Someone who knows FCP better
than I might know vendor prefixes and things like that.)

When you had Linux up (instead of CMS), what did you find in these pseudo


The latter should be 0xc05076fae3000400.  What is the other?
(If you did not have NPIV in effect, then the two would match or one be

Since you said that you have it working on one or two other systems, how to
they look by comparison?

For zoning and masking and all that, it is not clear to me that you need to
specify the real WWPN (of the HBA, of the FCP adapter) when NPIV is in
play.  Eric?  What do you say about that?  You certainly DO need to zone and
mask the storage and the fabric to the virtual WWPN (the one with the "C050"

-- Rick;   <><

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 09:13, Daniel Tate <daniel.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To answer someone's earlier question, yes, we've seen every redbook
> imaginable related to this, tried to do a direct zfcp attach, set edev.   I
> can't give too much info away about our organization but we are using cisco
> san switches, if that makes a difference.  Both the perm and the virtual
> WWPNs are in our zone.  Port security has been toggled off then on, the
> entire CHPID has been toggled as well.   NPIV is on everywhere, NPV is off.
> Another earlier question was were we doing a lot of attaches/detaches, and
> the answer is yes.  unfortunately its not easy to read this debug
> information - at times i've had to go to the source code of the zfcp driver
> to make an educated guess at what the "perr" and "ferr" codes were with
> codes 0x0d and 0x05 (thanks to the person who clarified those).
> This is the output from SCSIDISC DEBUG.  We are currently trying to find
> out what THINOP()=-62 and GETLUN()=-112 indicate.
> EXCEPTION::Logfile SCSIDISC LOG A already exists. Delete?  (Y/N):
> y
> INFO::START @ 20 Apr 2010 07:00:58
> INFO::No of attached FCP Channels found=1
>      0) All DEVs     1) 00005000
> 0
> INFO::Choosen FCP Sub-Channel Device(s)=ALL DEVICES
> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Initialized
> INFO::For Sub Channel 00005000 No of WWPNs found=2
>          0) All WWPNs                            1) C05076FAE3000400
>          2) 50060E80042CC20C
> 0
> INFO::For 00005000 Choosen WWPN(s)=ALL WWPNs
> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Re-Initialized
> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000400 Could Not be Opened
> DEBUG::ERROR RC:C05076FAE3000400 THINOP()=-62
> DEBUG::ERROR Open FCP port has failed
> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000400 ignored
> DEBUG::ERROR RC:C05076FAE3000400 GETLUN()=-112
> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Re-Initialized
> WARNING::WWPN 50060E80042CC20C Could Not be Opened
> DEBUG::ERROR RC:50060E80042CC20C THINOP()=-62
> DEBUG::ERROR Open FCP port has failed
> WARNING::WWPN 50060E80042CC20C ignored
> DEBUG::ERROR RC:50060E80042CC20C GETLUN()=-112
> INFO::END @ 20 Apr 2010 07:01:11
> Ready; T=6.10/6.11 07:01:11
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:00 AM, Eric R Farman <far...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> SCSIDISC retrieves all registered WWPNs from the switch connected to the
>> selected FCP subchannel(s).  If it only reports the one you had attached, it
>> doesn't sound like the switch zones are setup properly to let the LPAR see
>> the DASD subsystems.  Has the SAN admin registered the physical WWPN of the
>> card with the switch zone, or the NPIV WWPNs (displayed on Q FCP output)?
>>  The latter is necessary in NPIV environment.
>> Regards,
>>            Eric
>> Eric Farman
>> z/VM I/O Development
>> IBM Endicott, NY
>>  From:
>> Daniel Tate <daniel.t...@gmail.com>
>> To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 04/15/2010 10:50 AM Subject: Re: z/VM
>> not seeing storage from SAN Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <
>> ------------------------------
>> scsidisc only reports those i've attached.  That particular output was
>> from a different device (i.e. 5001).. my terminology is a little off.
>> Our SAN admin swears it's configured correctly on the switch.
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Eric R Farman 
>> <*far...@us.ibm.com*<far...@us.ibm.com>>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> The WWPN listed in your Q FCP outputs and that from the SCSIDISC tool are
>> similar enough that I suspect they are different subchannels on the same FCP
>> card, and not of your target DASD subsystem.  Are there other WWPNs listed
>> in the SCSIDISC output beyond what you have sent?  If so, what does SCSIDISC
>> see with them?  If not, has the switch been told about the NPIV WWPNs that
>> the VM LPAR will be using (that is, those listed in Q FCP)?  What specific
>> messages do you get when varying on the EDEV?
>> One other thing...  the FCP subchannel (5000 in your example below)
>> shouldn't be attached to a particular user if it is going to be used as part
>> of an EDEV.  It should be free so that VM can attach it to the SYSTEM itself
>> at the time the EDEV is varied online.  (The FCP can be used for multiple
>> paths/LUNs at once, so in reality the FCP should be either free or attached
>> to SYSTEM.)  The ATTACH 5000 TO * command would be used for a guest to use,
>> such as for SCSIDISC or Linux itself configuring SCSI.
>> Regards,
>>            Eric
>> Eric Farman
>> z/VM I/O Development
>> IBM Endicott, NY
>>   From: Daniel Tate <*daniel.t...@gmail.com* <daniel.t...@gmail.com>>
>> To: *ib...@listserv.uark.edu* <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>  Date: 04/14/2010
>> 02:40 PM  Subject: z/VM not seeing storage from SAN  Sent by: The IBM
>> z/VM Operating System <*ib...@listserv.uark.edu*<IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>> >
>>  ------------------------------
>> Disclaimer: I am a UNIX admin, working with z/VM for the first time.
>> I only know basic commands and concepts, but really need to get this
>> working.
>> Our san is connected, and other LPARs can see the storage.   the CHPID
>> is online.   I can attach the storage (ATTACH 5000 to *) and SET EDEV
>> blahblahbah.. but when i try to vary on the storage,i get a NO PATH TO
>> DEVICE error.
>> Anyone have any ideas?
>> SCSIDISC Reports:
>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000408 Could Not be Opened
>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000408 ignored
>> Here’s the output from q fcp:
>> q fcp
>> 07:05:04 FCP  5000 ATTACHED TO MAINT    5000 CHPID 46
>> 07:05:04      WWPN C05076FAE3000400
>> q v fcp
>> 08:27:31 FCP  5000 ON FCP   5000 CHPID 46 SUBCHANNEL = 011D
>> 08:27:31      5000 DEVTYPE FCP         CHPID 46 FCP
>> 08:27:31      5000 QDIO-ELIGIBLE       QIOASSIST-ELIGIBLE
>> 08:27:31      WWPN C05076FAE3000400
>> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 08:27:31

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