No such file exists.. this is the structure of that directory

[root] zvmtestd:/sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.5000# ls
availability  devtype           host37       online     port_remove  uevent
card_version  driver            in_recovery  peer_d_id  port_rescan
cmb_enable    failed            lic_version  peer_wwnn  status
cutype        hardware_version  modalias     peer_wwpn  subsystem

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Richard Troth <> wrote:

> I am a little confused about what WWPN goes where in your case.
> Based on prior email, C05076FAE3000400 is the WWPN of your virtual FCP
> adapter (because NPIV is in place).  It starts with a "C".  But
> 50060E80042CC20C looks to me more like a storage side WWPN.  What is the
> "real WWPN" of your FCP adapter 5000?  Might start with "5005", though a
> "5006" prefix is certainly also possible.  (Someone who knows FCP better
> than I might know vendor prefixes and things like that.)
> When you had Linux up (instead of CMS), what did you find in these pseudo
> files?
>         /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.5000/physical_wwpn
>         /sys/bus/ccw/devices/0.0.5000/wwpn
> The latter should be 0xc05076fae3000400.  What is the other?
> (If you did not have NPIV in effect, then the two would match or one be
> zeros.)
> Since you said that you have it working on one or two other systems, how to
> they look by comparison?
> For zoning and masking and all that, it is not clear to me that you need to
> specify the real WWPN (of the HBA, of the FCP adapter) when NPIV is in
> play.  Eric?  What do you say about that?  You certainly DO need to zone and
> mask the storage and the fabric to the virtual WWPN (the one with the "C050"
> prefix).
> -- Rick;   <><
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 09:13, Daniel Tate <> wrote:
>> To answer someone's earlier question, yes, we've seen every redbook
>> imaginable related to this, tried to do a direct zfcp attach, set edev.   I
>> can't give too much info away about our organization but we are using cisco
>> san switches, if that makes a difference.  Both the perm and the virtual
>> WWPNs are in our zone.  Port security has been toggled off then on, the
>> entire CHPID has been toggled as well.   NPIV is on everywhere, NPV is off.
>> Another earlier question was were we doing a lot of attaches/detaches, and
>> the answer is yes.  unfortunately its not easy to read this debug
>> information - at times i've had to go to the source code of the zfcp driver
>> to make an educated guess at what the "perr" and "ferr" codes were with
>> codes 0x0d and 0x05 (thanks to the person who clarified those).
>> This is the output from SCSIDISC DEBUG.  We are currently trying to find
>> out what THINOP()=-62 and GETLUN()=-112 indicate.
>> EXCEPTION::Logfile SCSIDISC LOG A already exists. Delete?  (Y/N):
>> y
>> INFO::START @ 20 Apr 2010 07:00:58
>> INFO::No of attached FCP Channels found=1
>>      0) All DEVs     1) 00005000
>> 0
>> INFO::Choosen FCP Sub-Channel Device(s)=ALL DEVICES
>> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Initialized
>> INFO::For Sub Channel 00005000 No of WWPNs found=2
>>          0) All WWPNs                            1) C05076FAE3000400
>>          2) 50060E80042CC20C
>> 0
>> INFO::For 00005000 Choosen WWPN(s)=ALL WWPNs
>> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Re-Initialized
>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000400 Could Not be Opened
>> DEBUG::ERROR RC:C05076FAE3000400 THINOP()=-62
>> DEBUG::ERROR Open FCP port has failed
>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000400 ignored
>> DEBUG::ERROR RC:C05076FAE3000400 GETLUN()=-112
>> INFO::FCP SUB-CHANNEL 00005000 Re-Initialized
>> WARNING::WWPN 50060E80042CC20C Could Not be Opened
>> DEBUG::ERROR RC:50060E80042CC20C THINOP()=-62
>> DEBUG::ERROR Open FCP port has failed
>> WARNING::WWPN 50060E80042CC20C ignored
>> DEBUG::ERROR RC:50060E80042CC20C GETLUN()=-112
>> INFO::END @ 20 Apr 2010 07:01:11
>> Ready; T=6.10/6.11 07:01:11
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:00 AM, Eric R Farman <> wrote:
>>> Daniel,
>>> SCSIDISC retrieves all registered WWPNs from the switch connected to the
>>> selected FCP subchannel(s).  If it only reports the one you had attached, it
>>> doesn't sound like the switch zones are setup properly to let the LPAR see
>>> the DASD subsystems.  Has the SAN admin registered the physical WWPN of the
>>> card with the switch zone, or the NPIV WWPNs (displayed on Q FCP output)?
>>>  The latter is necessary in NPIV environment.
>>> Regards,
>>>            Eric
>>> Eric Farman
>>> z/VM I/O Development
>>> IBM Endicott, NY
>>>  From:
>>> Daniel Tate <>
>>> To: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU Date: 04/15/2010 10:50 AM Subject: Re: z/VM
>>> not seeing storage from SAN Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <
>>> ------------------------------
>>> scsidisc only reports those i've attached.  That particular output was
>>> from a different device (i.e. 5001).. my terminology is a little off.
>>> Our SAN admin swears it's configured correctly on the switch.
>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Eric R Farman 
>>> <**<>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> The WWPN listed in your Q FCP outputs and that from the SCSIDISC tool are
>>> similar enough that I suspect they are different subchannels on the same FCP
>>> card, and not of your target DASD subsystem.  Are there other WWPNs listed
>>> in the SCSIDISC output beyond what you have sent?  If so, what does SCSIDISC
>>> see with them?  If not, has the switch been told about the NPIV WWPNs that
>>> the VM LPAR will be using (that is, those listed in Q FCP)?  What specific
>>> messages do you get when varying on the EDEV?
>>> One other thing...  the FCP subchannel (5000 in your example below)
>>> shouldn't be attached to a particular user if it is going to be used as part
>>> of an EDEV.  It should be free so that VM can attach it to the SYSTEM itself
>>> at the time the EDEV is varied online.  (The FCP can be used for multiple
>>> paths/LUNs at once, so in reality the FCP should be either free or attached
>>> to SYSTEM.)  The ATTACH 5000 TO * command would be used for a guest to use,
>>> such as for SCSIDISC or Linux itself configuring SCSI.
>>> Regards,
>>>            Eric
>>> Eric Farman
>>> z/VM I/O Development
>>> IBM Endicott, NY
>>>   From: Daniel Tate <** <>>
>>> To: ** <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>  Date: 04/14/2010
>>> 02:40 PM  Subject: z/VM not seeing storage from SAN  Sent by: The IBM
>>> z/VM Operating System <**<IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>>> >
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> Disclaimer: I am a UNIX admin, working with z/VM for the first time.
>>> I only know basic commands and concepts, but really need to get this
>>> working.
>>> Our san is connected, and other LPARs can see the storage.   the CHPID
>>> is online.   I can attach the storage (ATTACH 5000 to *) and SET EDEV
>>> blahblahbah.. but when i try to vary on the storage,i get a NO PATH TO
>>> DEVICE error.
>>> Anyone have any ideas?
>>> SCSIDISC Reports:
>>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000408 Could Not be Opened
>>> WARNING::WWPN C05076FAE3000408 ignored
>>> Here’s the output from q fcp:
>>> q fcp
>>> 07:05:04 FCP  5000 ATTACHED TO MAINT    5000 CHPID 46
>>> 07:05:04      WWPN C05076FAE3000400
>>> q v fcp
>>> 08:27:31 FCP  5000 ON FCP   5000 CHPID 46 SUBCHANNEL = 011D
>>> 08:27:31      5000 DEVTYPE FCP         CHPID 46 FCP
>>> 08:27:31      5000 QDIO-ELIGIBLE       QIOASSIST-ELIGIBLE
>>> 08:27:31      WWPN C05076FAE3000400
>>> Ready; T=0.01/0.01 08:27:31

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