

I am sure this has come up before but I could not find it in the
archives (getting oldJ).


Anyway, during our z/Linux guest build process, which we are doing at a
very fast pace, we end up initializing the z/Linux DASD under z/VM. Now,
when we execute the z/Linux Kick Start that process comes right back and
initializes the same DASD. This process depending on the amount of DASD
being presented to the guest can take two or more hours to complete with
the majority of the time being spent on the DASD initialization phase of
the Kick Start.


The question is would it help to Dedicate the DASD to the guest instead
of specifying a FULL PACK MINI-DISK for the DASD? I am assuming that by
Dedicating the DASD that I could skip the z/VM initialization phase and
just let the z/L:inux OS initialize them at Kick Start time. This would
save a bunch of time during the build process. I wanted to be sure what
the pros and cons were if I decided to go this route.


Thanks in advance to the help! 




Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Citic

z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support

Office - 443 348-2102

Cell - 443 632-4191




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