On Monday, 12/13/2010 at 09:41 EST, George Henke/NYLIC 
<george_he...@newyorklife.com> wrote:
> I'm just grateful z/VM is still alive and well and getting stronger and 
> every day especially with the advent of the z196 and that it is only a 
> of time before the compiler issue will be addressed. 

Not likely, George.

The problem with CMS as an application platform isn't the compilers.  As 
others have noted, that's easily and [relatively] cheaply solved.  The 
problem is that application developers use compilers as a means to an end, 
not an end in themselves.  Business application programmers want to write 
web-enabled apps and services for UIs and database access.  They want 
WebSphere, WAS, DB2/UDB, Oracle, and WebLogic.  They want to write RESTful 
applications.  They want to write in Java.  And, of course, they don't 
want just some minimal core level of function, they want the whole 

And in case it's not evident, business cases for compilers are developed 
around *business* application development, not systems management. 
Firstly, companies don't *want* to write their own systems management 
software - they want to buy it.  Secondly, the number of people wanting to 
write their own systems management software on CMS is vanishingly small. 
So to have a viable business, you have to have enough demand to drive 
significant revenue.  I say "significant" because there are lots of places 
IBM can invest.  Should it invest those resources in something that 
returns a small profit, or large?  (Note: I'm a stockholder, so I'm 

Those who are in the *business* of CMS-based [systems] software 
development might *prefer* COBOL or PL/I, sure, but they know what 
languages are available to them and they have to decide whether the market 
conditions and the availability of "development infrastructure" are 
sufficient to meet their business goals.  In IT, as in almost all walks of 
life, it is unfortunate yet true that that the wishes of the Few or the 
One are ignored in favor of the wishes of the many.

You will see that z/VM continues to invest in its native back-end System 
Management APIs and in the CIM "lowware" that pushes on them in order to 
free the systems management software from *having* to run ON CMS. 
Ultimately being able to manage system configuration, virtual machine 
provisioning, real resource provisioning, operation, event management, 
accounting, security, DR and HA, all from modern front-ends UIs with their 
own scriptable CLIs.  As you suggest, this is all part of the appeal of 

By the way, none of the above in any way denies the acknowledged inherent 
coolness of CMS.  It's a simple and fast operating system; it's "single 
userness" eliminating huge amounts of complexity.  Of course, we make up 
for that by having invented SFS and BFS, reintroducing some of that 
complexity.  :-) It is a two-edged sword!

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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