I don't see how any sort of meaningful number could be assigned to an entity to reflect COR service. Everyone will have their own. An RSU OTOH, "floats everybody's boat" to the same level, at least for a while. About the only thing you (IBM) could do is to add a flag that some service had been applied beyond the RSU ("service level 801+" ?).

I suppose you could assign each PTF a sequential number and use that to build a bit-string (1=applied, 0=not) and report a honkin' big hex value. ;-) Then, not only could you tell that extra-RSU service had been applied, but with a little effort you could tell exactly what. Hey, with VMSES/E in Rexx, it's all just a SMOP isn't it? :-))


On 4/10/11 00:05 Alan Altmark said:
Following up on Nick Harris' expectation to see a change to QUERY CPLEVEL after applying COR service to CP, I'd like to open a discussion on how folks perceive service levels. That is, is there some way that you feel IBM should express the concept of 'service level'?

For the sake of discussion, let us assert that:
- We are talking about the running entity, not the copy of the entity on the build disk. - Unless there are specific pre-reqs or co-reqs, PTFs can be applied in any order or combination. - Each component (CP, CMS, DIRMAINT, RACF, SES, etc.) has its own service stream


z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training ibm.com/systems/services/labservices office: 607.429.3323

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